If you are new to the Choir Division of TPSMEA, Welcome!  On this page you will hopefully find useful information as you enter your students in competitions, contests and other events that we have to offer.  The list ahead may seem huge, but it includes information about everything that we have to offer.  Scan though and find what you need. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, and be aware that this web site is full of useful information about dates, contacts, and requirements.  Good luck to you as you begin your experience with TPSMEA and we hope to see you soon!
Summer / Start of School1. Make sure that you have registered on (Membership Registration | Texas Private School Music Educators Association ( and have paid your yearly dues.

2. During the summer months, look at the repertoire lists for both Middle School Honor Choir and All-State choir and order the audition music.  There are typically three pieces listed as possible audition music.  Order all three and begin teaching them to your choirs as soon as school starts!  Look for information on the web site about ordering music packets. 

3. Order the rehearsal recordings for both All-State and Middle School Honor Choir from Bass Productions (see the vocal page on the website).

4. Make sure that the Choral Division Vice President has your e-mail.  You can contact them by sending them an e-mail at 

September & October  – the busy season!!

1. At the start of the school year, print out and read the vocal part of the TPSMEA Handbook and download the commitment forms for Children’s Choir, MS Honor Choir and All State Choir from the TPSMEA website.  The commitment form has specific signatures that need to be obtained, as well as guidelines that must be followed.

2. Order the music that you will need for Children’s Honor Choir.  The number of students you can send depends on the size of your school.  Order enough copies for all of your students as well as yourself! 

3. Order all of the music for Middle School Honor Choir.  Overestimate the number of students who might make the choir so that you will have enough.  There isn’t enough time between the adjudication and the event to order the music then.

4. In September you will receive a “cuts” recording which will have the recordings that you are to use for your All-State recordings.  The Middle School cuts will come with the rehearsal CD’s and a “Do not open until” date on the CD. Your students should already know, or be learning the music, but now you can begin having them practice with the cuts in class.

5. In October you should begin recording your students for both Middle School Honor Choir and All-State choir.  The registration and recordings will be due on OpusEvent on a set date on the calendar.  This date is non-negotiable, and must be adhered to.  If you are mailing your entries across the state, make sure that you allow enough time for them to arrive.

6. Recording Guidelines:  Using the cuts recording as background, record your students using a digital recorder which can produce an mp3 file.

7. Once you have finished your recordings, you need to upload the recordings to OpusEvent.  Once you upload the files make sure you listen to each one. 

8. If you upload your recordings for adjudication, you are required to serve as a judge on for that event.  Middle School Honor choir and All State Choir is judged remotely using OpusEvent in October and November.  The 1st round of All-State adjudication is usually judged in person and/or remotely.  Please consult the division calendar for exact dates and locations if you are judging in person.  The top 16 in each section are selected for All-Region, and their recordings are sent on to be judged for All-State along with the other regions in the state.  The top 25 who qualify are taken in each section for Middle School Honor Choir.

9. Prior to the adjudication, you should be on the lookout for information regarding judging assignments, and if nothing is received, contact your Division VP.

10. After the 1st round of All-State judging, there will be a second round of judging for a spot in the All-State choir.  If you have a student in the running for All-State Choir, you are required to be at the adjudication.  The Division VP will contact you about judging assignments.

11. Once the second round of All-State judging is complete, the results will be emailed to everyone who submitted a recording.  The top 25 in each section make it into the All-State Choir.

12. Once you know which of your students made region and state, order any music that you will need for the concert.  Repertoire lists will be posted on the web site

November and December

1.  If you have students in the Middle School Honor Choir or Children’s Honor Choir, this event takes place in early November. 

2. You will need to accompany your students in either ensemble to the sectional rehearsal on Friday night as well as the clinic on Saturday.  There will be a directors meeting on Saturday morning to discuss and vote on pertinent issues so you’ll want to be there!

3. If you are going to All-State in Richardson, you will need to make travel arrangements for you and your students.  Ron Matthews will send out housing information in late November, early December.  You and your students go through TPSMEA rather than making hotel reservations on your own.  Your students are required to stay at the TPSMEA designated hotel.

4. Order the un-auditioned music rehearsal CD off of the web site

January – All State Month!

1. Check on your hotel information and make sure that it is accurate.

2. Make sure that you have all of the additional pieces for the All-State choir and have been preparing your students

3. Make plans to attend the region clinic and/or choir in your region.  If will be in early January, and specific details will be on the web site  There may be additions to the repertoire that will be listed on the web site

4. Read and print out pertinent e-mails about schedules and meeting agendas for the All-State Weekend.

5.  You will have two meetings at All-State so bring a pen, a notebook, and if possible, be up on current issues within the organization.

6. Make plans for your kids during their down-time in Richardson.  Many schools take their kids down to the West End on Friday night.  You will also need to let the kids know what to bring for other meals and other spending money.

7. More information about All-State will be on the web site including a checklist before you go.

February – Solo & Ensemble

1. Make sure to register your students who are participating in Solo & Ensemble on – usually early February.

2. Double check your region location for the contest and send copies of your entries to the site host.  Send the originals and the money to the PO Box on the contacts page.

3. Arrange for parent chaperones to stay with your kids in the waiting area. 

4. Arrange for a pianist to play for your students.

5. Arrange for transportation to the event site.

6. Watch for the schedule and information on the web site as to your school’s time slot.

7. You will be given a block of time with the number of slots that your students need.  You can arrange the students in any order that you want.

8. You will need to provide a list of how your students are scheduled.  Once for each judge, and another when you check in.  Make sure to keep one for yourself as well.

9. Arrive early so that your students can warm up.  Walk around and show them where their rooms are located.

10.  Scout out restrooms and waiting rooms so that your kids know where to go.

March & April – Concert/Sight Reading and State Solo & Ensemble

1. There are two Concert & Sight Reading events.  One in the Northern and one in the Southern parts of the state.  You can participate in either event.  Check the events page of the web site to see this year’s location.

2. Read and print the entry forms and make sure to adhere to the entry deadline. 

3. Send all forms and money to the PO Box, and a copy of the entry form to the site host.

4. Arrange for transportation and accompaniment.

5. Arrange for parent chaperones if you are traveling

6. Make sure to take care of permission slips, hotel reservations, health forms and whatever else you need to a school trip.

7. You will need an accompanist if your pieces are not a cappella.

8. Sight reading is an optional portion of the contest, so indicate your intentions regarding sight reading when you enter.

9. Stay tuned into the web site for schedules and event information.

10. If you have a student who earned a “1” on a class-1 solo or ensemble at the region level, they are eligible for State Solo & Ensemble.  This event is held in conjunction with Concert and Sight Reading.

11. Read and print the entry form paying particular attention to the entry deadline – usually early April.

12. Make travel arrangements, parent chaperones, and accompanist arrangements.

13. Look for the repertoire list for next year’s events on the web site so that you can order before everyone leaves for the summer!
